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At Lighthouse Christian School, we offer a limited amount of financial assistance to those families demonstrating additional need for meeting monthly tuition expenses. 

Applications open February 1st , 2025 for 2025-2026 school year!

To determine what your family may qualify for, we use a third party company (FACTS Grant & Aid). Families applying for financial assistance will need to complete an application, submit the most recent federal tax forms and all supporting tax documents.

A few notes about Financial Assistance at LCS:

  • Application fee: $40 (paid online when submitting)
  • Preschool students are not eligible for financial assistance.
  • FACTS Grant & Aid is awarded on an annual basis; families must apply each year and the previous award is not guaranteed for future years. 
  • Financial Assistance applies to tuition only; excludes enrollment fees, aftercare, lunch, etc. 
  • If you are not yet a family of Lighthouse you can create an account from the link above.
  • If you are are an existing family you will need to login to your FACTS account to access the application.